進食問題Feeding Problem
根據研究1指出,典型兒童中,有25-40%會有進食問題(feeding problem) 而進食問題可以分為以下幾類:
挑食(picky eating)/難餵養的(fussy eating)
拒食(food refusal)
選擇性進食(selective eating/ food selectivity)
受限的營養(dietary restriction)
而根據DSM-5,其中的一項餵食及飲食障礙(Feeding and Eating Disorder),將障礙分為六大類
而在我搜尋相關的資料後發現,目前針對兒童的餵食困難(Pediatric Feeding Disorders, PFDs2)定義仍在發展中,若以現行的診斷分類,可能只有迴避/節制型攝食症(ARFID),為臨床小兒職能治療師在面對自閉症兒童進食困難時經常會介入的,這部分主題太大了,下次寫。
總之,如果接下來我寫的文章,可能都會是我個人經驗和看書下的一面之談,沒有實證大家不要太介意xddd 如果我有參考任何資料,我也都會附在底下給大家的!
- 平常也有在做feeding的治療師們平常都看什麼資料學習呢?
- 如果你是家長,遇到孩子進食困難但不是口腔生理功能異常,會怎麼辦呢?
曾經有人回我,那種小孩是不是沒被打過 (威~

‒ 我是一樣有點挑食的OT Erin,分享臨床與吃飯有關的小趣事
The start of feeding occupational therapy – feeding disorder
Occupation Means Daily Life—And My Favorite One Is Eating!
As an occupational therapist, my greatest sense of achievement comes from witnessing the moment a child willingly eats because of a strategy I implemented.
But I often wonder—why is something as instinctive as eating so difficult for some children? Why does mealtime feel like such a struggle instead of a happy experience?
Feeding Problems
According to research¹, 25–40% of typically developing children experience feeding problems. These issues can be categorized as follows:
Picky Eating / Fussy Eating
Ex: Refusing vegetables, preferring food at a specific temperature, or only eating meals prepared by their mother. -
Food Refusal
Ex: Refusing to eat outside the home or rejecting food entirely. -
Selective Eating / Food Selectivity
Ex: Only eating crackers and fried food while refusing rice or any white-colored food. -
Dietary Restrictions
Ex: Only drinking milk from a bottle, limited oral motor skills restricting food to pureed textures, or inadequate water intake. -
Other Behavioral Issues
Ex: Never sitting down for a meal, showing extreme distress like crying or tantrums during mealtime.
(Note: The classification names are based on research, while the examples come from my clinical experience.)
Clinical Diagnosis
According to the DSM-5, feeding and eating disorders are categorized into six major types. However, my search for related literature, found that the definition of Pediatric Feeding Disorders (PFDs) is still evolving.
Based on the current classification, Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) is the most commonly diagnosed condition in children with autism experiencing feeding difficulties.
This is a huge topic, so I’ll save it for another post!
Thoughts & Discussion
I was shocked to learn that the percentage of feeding difficulties in typical children is so high! Are there any parents or professionals here who have struggled with this too? Let’s support each other!
I was also surprised to find out that feeding difficulties are such a new research field—there are tons of papers published after 2020.
I’m curious:
- For therapists working with feeding issues, what resources do you usually rely on for learning?
For parents, if your child has feeding difficulties but no oral-motor dysfunction, how do you handle it?
Once, someone responded to me, “A kid like that probably just hasn’t been disciplined properly!” (Yikes… 😅)
- Or maybe every family has that wise grandma who insists, “Back in my day, this is how we handled it!”
‒ I’m Erin, an OT who’s also a picky eater! Sharing fun clinical stories related to mealtime.
- Sdravou, K., Fotoulaki, M., Emmanouilidou-Fotoulaki, E., Andreoulakis, E., Makris, G., Sotiriadou, F., & Printza, A. (2021). Feeding problems in typically developing young children, a Population-Based study. Children, 8(5), 388.
- Goday, P. S., Huh, S. Y., Silverman, A., Lukens, C. T., Dodrill, P., Cohen, S. S., Delaney, A. L., Feuling, M. B., Noel, R. J., Gisel, E., Kenzer, A., Kessler, D. B., De Camargo, O. K., Browne, J., & Phalen, J. A. (2018). Pediatric feeding disorder. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 68(1), 124–129.